Waste Recycling Case Studies
Pure Planet Recycling Limited serves businesses of all sizes across various sectors in England. We specialise in Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) recycling, offering bespoke solutions to meet our customers’ needs. No matter the type of electrical waste produced, our fully licensed Authorised Treatment Facility in Bedfordshire is equipped to handle all categories of WEEE.
From our diverse customer base, we’ve selected a few examples from different industries to showcase how we support them. These businesses are regular producers of electrical waste and use our storage containers. We also provide one-off recycling services when needed. Choose a business name below to discover how we assist them.
Ideal Lights | Intertek | Massmould | TSI | Wadys
If you wish to discuss how we can help your company with their WEEE recycling requirements, please call us on 01234 315496.